
公司介紹 技術型人才(16) 技能型人才(1)
恒力石化(大連)煉化有限公司 該企業(yè)已通過營業(yè)執(zhí)照審核
私營/民營企業(yè) · 1000人以上 · 石油石化天然氣
包住 五險一金 績效獎金 帶薪年假 餐飲補貼 股票期權 節(jié)日福利 技能培訓
公司介紹 技術型人才(16) 技能型人才(1)


  恒力集團堅持全產業(yè)鏈發(fā)展,打造“原油—芳烴、乙烯—精對苯二甲酸(PTA)、乙二醇—聚酯(PET)—民用絲及工業(yè)絲、工程塑料、可降解新材料、薄膜—紡織”的完整產業(yè)鏈。在煉油板塊,恒力2000萬噸/年煉化一體化項目是列入國務院文件的第一個重大民營煉化項目,也是新一輪東北振興的戰(zhàn)略項目。恒力秉承項目建設“10年不落后”的理念,高起點戰(zhàn)略、高標準規(guī)劃、高質量建設、高水平開車、高效率管理,創(chuàng)造了世界石油化工行業(yè)工程建設速度、全流程開車投產速度和達產速度最快的行業(yè)紀錄,成為行業(yè)高質量發(fā)展的標桿。在石化板塊,恒力 (大連長興島)產業(yè)園和恒力(惠州)產業(yè)園PTA項目年產能達到1700萬噸,“高標準、嚴要求、快節(jié)奏”建成投產,刷新了國際同行業(yè)的多項紀錄。在聚酯新材料板塊,恒力集團擁有世界領先的技術裝備,年聚合產能600萬噸。在紡織板塊,作為集團產業(yè)鏈的縱向延伸,恒力紡織擁有超4萬臺生產設備,產能規(guī)模過40億米/年,生產基地分布在江蘇蘇州、宿遷,四川瀘州,貴州貴陽等地。






Established in 1994, Hengli Group is an international enterprise that focuses on the full production chain in oil refining, petrochemical, polyester new materials and textiles. The Group, with 170,000 employees, currently has one of the world’s largest PTA plants, one of the world’s largest functional fiber production bases as well as weaving enterprises, and has also built an“Enterprise Technology Center”in China. In terms of corporate competitiveness and product brand value, Hengli Group has set records and ranks amongst the top in the industry internationally.

Hengli Group’s total revenue in 2023 was RMB 811.7 billion and ranked 81rd in Fortune Global 500, 36th in Top 500 Chinese Enterprises, 3rd in China's Private Enterprises, and 7th in the Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises in China. The accolades accorded by the State Council to Hengli Group include the "National Science and Technology Progress Award" and the "National Advanced Employment Enterprise". Hengli Group was also recognised as the “Environmentally friendly Enterprise in China’s Chemical Fiber Industry”, “Advanced Group of the National Textiles Industry”, “Key High-tech Enterprise under the National Torch Program”, “Exemplary Enterprise in National Intellectual Property Rights”, and “Advanced Unit in Establishing National Corporate Culture”. Many of Hengli’s products have won the “China Well-known Trademark” and “National Customer Satisfaction Products” titles.

Hengli Group currently owns three publicly listed companies, i.e. Hengli Petrochemical Co., Ltd., (“Hengli Petrochemical Co., Ltd.” Stock Code: 600346.SH), Guangdong Songfa Ceramics Co., Ltd. ("Songfa INC." Stock Code: 603268.SH) and Suzhou Wujiang Tongli Lake Co., Ltd. (“Tongli Tourism” Stock Code: 834199.OC), over 20 entities. It had built production bases in Suzhou, Dalian, Suqian, Nantong, Yingkou, Luzhou, Huizhou and Guiyang.

With the goal of "building a world-class green ship construction and high-end equipment manufacturing base", Hengli Heavy Industry focuses on the development of ship construction, Marine engineering, engines, precision casting, equipment manufacturing and other sectors. At present, Hengli Heavy Industry has set up a world-renowned team of experts in design, quality, production and marketing, established a ship design and research center, signed more than 1 billion US dollars of ship building orders, and has the ability to deliver 60 ships a year.

Hengli Group adheres to the development of the entire industrial chain in crude oil, aromatics, ethylene, Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA), ethylene glycol, polyester (PET), textile yarn and industrial yarn, engineering plastics, degradable new materials, BOPET films and textiles. In the refining sector, Hengli‘s 20 million tons per year refining and chemical integration project is a major project listed in the documents of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. It is also a strategic project in the revitalisation of Northeast China. Hengli moves with the times and has set a benchmark in the petrochemical industry, with its high engineering construction speed, full process start-up speed, and industry record production speed. This can be accredited to its high-level strategic planning, quality planning and construction, and efficient management. In the petrochemical sector, Hengli (Dalian Changxing Island) Industrial Park and Hengli (Huizhou) Industrial Park are PTA production bases with an annual production capacity of 17 million tons.The project were completed and put into operation with high standard, strict requirements and at a fast pace, which has set several records in the industry internationally. In the polyester new materials sector, Hengli Group has the world’s leading technology and equipment with an annual polymerization capacity of 6 million tons. As part of the vertical extension of the Group's industrial chain, Hengli Textile owns more than 40,000 sets of production equipment with a production capacity of over 4 billion meters per year. Its production bases are in Suzhou and Suqian in Jiangsu, Luzhou in Sichuan, Guiyang in Guizhou and other places.

Hengli Group solidly implements its two major projects in branding and marketing strategies; its Research & Development capability is also at the forefront of the nation’s textile industry. The Group proactively expands its high-end market domestically and globally, constantly innovates and improves its core competitive ability. In establishing the Hengli International Research and Development Center and Hengli Industry-Academia Research Base, Hengli Group engages top-notch experts from Germany, Japan to form an international Research and Development team, carrying out research and development of high-end differentiated products for the Group. To date, Hengli Group had undertaken more than 60 major science and technology projects at the national and provincial levels and for industry associations. The independently developed key technology of polyester fiber had won the "National Science and Technology Progress Award".

In its expansion and development, Hengli Group proactively creates a friendly and motivational environment for staff’s progress and advancement. At the same time, it also plays its part in corporate social responsibility by actively supporting charities and helping the disadvantaged in the society. Since its establishment, it had donated up to RMB 2 billion to support the less privileged.

Hengli Group values environmental protection and has achieved significant results in energy saving and emission reduction. It has obtained the ISO environmental management system certification as well as the green environmental protection certification. The Group has also taken the lead in implementing the water reuse project in the industry and it was the first in the industry to obtain the "Green factory"assessment from Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

“Establishing a World-class Enterprise,Creating Internationally Renowned Brands” - Hengli Group will continue to develop and diversify its production chain to contribute to the nation's industry.











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